A plural and multiform portrait of the women who inhabit our country.
I claim my country. This territory of freedom, sharing, solidarity, where thousands of people fought and gave their lives for social justice, for freedom, for the end of all forms of oppression and inequality (poverty, slavery, inquisition, patriarchy, monarchy, colonialism, fascism, racism, lgbtphobia, machism, capacitism, ageism). It is not just me who descended from generations of people who died fighting so that I can be here today. I will not let them erase us from history. But more importantly: these people exist today, they fight for a more dignified life for their families, communities, for all. They chose to live here, like me, and many do not even have the right to citizenship, despite working as new slaves, from cleaning to art. They are anonymous heroines.
I claim this COUNTRY, it's mine. The more I traveled and fell in love with others, the more I became aware of the fundamental need to, as a citizen and artist, claim the right to my country.
I went to hear what they have to tell people who, historically, like me, have never been heard: the women who chose to live in this physical and symbolic territory. With this desire for active listening and dialogue, creating critical thinking.
WOMEN FROM MY COUNTRY is a project that celebrates the multitude of women who make this country move forward every day. Through the voice of each of these women we know the richness of the lived experiences, which together give us a legacy of trust, justice, perseverance, respect and freedom. They are women who have overcome social inequalities and transform the world around them. They are women from our country.
Feature film | 1''41 "| 2020
There are 14 stories crossed, superimposed, contrasted and placed in dialogue, 14 testimonies of life, resistance, dignity, which move us, challenge us, which sometimes cause us to laugh and sometimes make us swallow.
We are a family owned and operated business.
In each woman, a story where multiple oppressions intersect, in each subject a singularity that is also the synthesis of multiple social determinations. As a whole, a portrait of the country, of structures, of inequalities, but also of intelligence, courage, emancipation, the struggle for happiness.
Feature film | 2020
THE TRILOGY "STORIES OF WOMEN FROM MY COUNTRY" are testimonies of life, resistance, dignity, which move us, challenge us, which sometimes make us laugh and sometimes make us swallow.
It is a plural and multiform portrait of the women who inhabit our country: workers and researchers, fishermen and cleaning workers, farmers and caregivers, firefighters and dancers, businesswomen and writers, students and community leaders, young people breaking ground in rap or less young people doing so on environmental issues, trans women, lesbian women, women with different abilities, white, black, gypsy women. Women. In each one, a story where multiple oppressions intersect, in each subject a singularity that is also the synthesis of multiple social determinations. As a whole, a portrait of the country, of structures, of inequalities, but also of intelligence, courage, emancipation, the struggle for happiness.
Short film | 1'08 "| 2020
An animated short film, co- directed with the artist Tainá Maneschy .
Animated film that portrays the stories of the Women of My Country and what unites them, daughter of the quarantine and the creative sonority between the directors Raquel Freire and Tainá Maneschy , the creative Ana Neves and music by Joana D'água .
A piece of art, 4 out of 4, from the project Mulheres do Meu País.
Photographic exhibition | 2020
An exhibition with posters of photographs of all the women in the film, where each self-nominates and says who she is in her own words. Each has a poster with an image of her and her words. This exhibition accompanies the films, it is an organic part.